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2021 Prophetic Word: Ecclesia Arise

Writer: Nicole ZochNicole Zoch

Updated: Feb 20, 2023

Back in November 2020 when I was seeking God for a prophetic word to usher in the New Year, I received three significant words that I believe will define 2021: Reconciliation, Recompense, and Rest.

Since November, I have also received two further words that I believe will also be significant for the Ecclesia to arise in 2021: A New Bridal Dance and Spiritually Warfare Ready.

I pray these words will ignite us aflame for Jesus, and set us on the right path to begin our new year with the hope and love of our Lord and Saviour. I pray that these words will also equip us with the right tools to conquer whatever mountains we are faced with this year. 2021 is the year the Ecclesia is to arise. So, friends, it is time to "arise and shine for the glory of the Lord is upon you" (Isaiah 60:1).


God showed me that He is"raising up His bride in this hour as an army for the battle ahead". Because of this, God has said that He is"calling for our reconciliation first and foremost to Himself" (we shall have no other Gods before Him - Exodus 20:2). Jesus must be at the centre of it all. Our Groom is coming back for His beloved, sooner rather than later, and as with any marriage union, Jesus wants us to enter into our union with Him through a deep and loving intimate embrace. He wants to be our everything.

God also said that He is"calling for our reconciliation towards each other as THE Bride of Christ". Jesus is coming back for one bride and therefore we must be united as one collective voice. 2020 has seen division in the Church, particularly through politics, and so 2021 is the time for the Ecclesia to reunite, to become as one accord as God raises us up to take our rightful position as co-heirs to His Kingdom. We must be united, even in our differences. God said: "2021 is the year of Oneness", and so we must become one body of believers, especially in these last days as Hebrews 10:24 says:

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the last day approaching”.


Recompense means 'to make amends for loss or harm suffered’, or to ‘repay a loss, restore or reward and make up for what has been taken’. I believe it is a really significant word for this season after the year that we have had that has seen so much loss in our world. God showed me through Isaiah 41:16-17 that He is making recompense for the loss that His bride has suffered at the hand of the enemy:

“I am the God who buys you back [makes recompense for you]. And I am transforming you from worm [from the lowest form] to a harrow [a mighty ploughing machinery]. I am transforming you from insect [from nothing] to iron [a strong, unbreakable force]. As a sharp-tooth ploughing machine you will smooth out the mountains and turn those tough old hills into loamy soil, you’ll open the rough ground to the weather, to the blasts of sun and wind and rain”.

And so through this word, God said to me that He is wanting to:

“Restore His bride back into a mighty strong people with strong voices and a strong presence in our world”.

He is:

“Returning us back to being a people who can plough through whatever mountain the enemy throws our way”. God will “return our confidence so that we will be able to pull down the strongholds that are in our path", for the Lord says "He is recompensing that which has been stolen from us by the enemy".


The third word God spoke to me about also pointed to Isaiah 41 where in vs 1 it says:

“Sit down and rest, everyone. Recover your strength”.

God is calling His people into rest and recovery. In Hebrews 4 Paul tells us that:

“The promise of entering God’s rest still stands, and so let none of us be found to have fallen short of this. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest”.

After the battle that we have been through in 2020, God needs us to renew our strength in Him. Psalms 91 says:

“Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty”.

There is protection, provision, and rest when we abide permanently under the shelter of God's presence.

God also wants us to understand the importance of rest in this new era and He wants us to "see rest as an essential form of battle weaponry". It will be in the rest, (recovering under the wings of El Shaddai - the God of Heaven), that God has shown me that He will "impart His greatest revelations to us. New blueprints will be handed out, new sets of instructions, more of His strategic plans will come out of resting in the Lord".

God also showed me that "2021 is a training year for God's soldiers". And so part of our training is knowing when we need to rest His army so we do not make battle-weary soldiers. He wants all of us "completely on fire, well equipped, strong and battle ready and so sometimes that will require a season of rest to renew our strength". Jesus regularly separated himself from everyone else to pray and fast and seek rest, wisdom, impartation, and guidance from the Father. It is in the rest that restoration for the nations will come.


The fourth word released to me is that we have entered into a season where Jesus is wanting to teach His bride a New Bridal Dance. He said:

“I am leading My bride into a new bridal dance. If you let me, I will teach you the new bridal dance and when the time comes we will take the floor together and showcase it to the rest of the world".
"But if My bride tries to take the lead she will fall into the same moves as she’s always done before. If she doesn’t follow my lead, My bride will be out of time in this new season. She will be out of beat with the Father’s rhythm, off balance, with two left feet and she will be out of sync with those who have already learned the new bridal dance in this new era".
"The new moves I want to teach you will not have My bride boxed in. They will not be your typical box-step waltz. Instead, I want to share a brand new dance with My bride. I want to take the lead as your Groom, and teach My beloved bride the new dance steps so that when the time comes to showcase our bridal waltz, we will be completely in sync, reconciled to one another, ready and confident in the dance as a Bride and Groom".

In other words, I believe God is preparing us for His Son's return and Jesus needs His bride to follow His lead in this new ERA, no matter what that looks like (even when it is completely out-of-the-box).


The final word the Lord released to me is that He is "wanting to teach his children how to be spiritually warfare ready". He said “We have entered into an Ephesians 6 era. Become well-versed in this passage and pay particular attention to verse 12:

“You do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”.

He said,:

“I want to teach my people in 2021 how to use their spiritual warfare weapons more effectively against these demonic principalities".

Things like praying in the spirit as Ephesians 6:18 says:

“Pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people”.

God said:

“Praying in tongues will be essential for warfare - it is the morse code of the spiritual battle”.

It’s a language only known between us and God, and He will reveal His plans through this language to protect His plans from the evil one, so learn how to use it as a spiritual warfare weapon.

He also said that we are to remember to:

"Pray for all the Lord’ people. We are one body. Reconciled to one another. And if one suffers, we all suffer".

And so this is our commission -we are called to be alert and pray for one another constantly as the global body of Christ.

God also said that there was an:

"Element of surprise from the enemy in 2020 that caught His bride napping, off guard, asleep and so the enemy struck. The church had not built up its spiritual weaponry muscle. We had not trained to be warriors". "But now", God said, "we need to take up our postings as watchmen, because where at the beginning of 2020 we had our armour down, we weren’t ready, we weren’t battle-trained, in 2021 God is wanting to increase our spiritual warfare capabilities".
2020 was just the beginning of our preparation. God said “My people heeded my words from 2 Chronicles 7:14 throughout 2020. You began to return back to me, you repented, humbled yourself, sought My face as I asked of you, and so 2020 marked the beginning of My bride getting ready for the battle ahead”.
“Throughout 2020”, the Lord said, “I have been breathing new life into dry bones as in Ezekiel’s vision and now I have an army who have arisen. The battle has only just begun. There is more to come. But what comes next won’t feel half as bad for those who are now awake, now alert, becoming battle fit”.
“There will be a great harvest to come”, the Lord said, “but it will be short-lived, so keep your armour on at all times. I am sharpening your weaponry and this will increase in sharpness throughout 2021. You need to steward the harvest season well so that you will be able to withstand what comes after it. Do not let your armour down even in the harvest”.

Finally, the Lord said:

“Where 2020 was the year of the great awakening for my bride, 2021 is the year of the Ecclesia arising. I am reconciling my Bride back to her rightful place as co-heirs to My kingdom. I am recompensing the areas that have been stolen by the enemy from my beloved. I am making my Bride ready for the battle to come by teaching you a new dance, by showing you the importance of rest in Me, and I am growing your spiritual warfare muscle”.
“The harvest that has been prophesied is imminent”, says the Lord, “and so I need my Ecclesia to now “arise, and shine” as Isaiah 60 prophesied because "My glory”, God says “is upon you and nations will come to your light and kings will be drawn to the brightness of your dawn so lift up your eyes, keep them heaven bound, focus on My Son, Jesus and let Him lead the dance in this new era”.


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